Monday, August 4, 2008

Life....Extreme Zone

First of it is so good to hav my own blog space. I would like to start my first post by thankin my mom, dad n baba for whtever I am today. With their blessingz I am gonna start the "Two Sides of the Coin".

Life really comes to us too fast. Watching the comercials of insurance banks and other group of companies dealin wid life n its seems to b a lil surprise to me. For the moment, life may appear static, going nowhere or dynamic, goin everywhere. One day rolls into the next with little to distinguish it from the one before other than the mundane and boring; things such as girlfrnd issues, wrk issues, school issues, doctor appointments, hospital visits and so on seem to b happenin. We exist, We do not live. Some days, I feel guilty about this...i'm sure most of u feel it so. I hear phrases from my childhood like, “God helps those that helps themselves”. “The devil makes work for idle hands”. “You reap what you sow”, and so on....

I believe in one thing...dont kick the man when he is down....

I opine that for most of the has been syclical over the times and too many downfalls at personal front and again stood up to acheive what they always wanted to acheive. Normally when we are troubled by a major problem in our lives, we ponder the problem deeply, gravitate to the solace and help of others, or if desperate, seek help from the beyond, such as through prayer. When the problems occur we are often startled and taken aback, left helpless and alone, lost without the knowledge and power to overcome our troubles. Yet my research has revealed that there are a number of ways we can overcome our serious problems, and even turn them into great successes.

Now the above conversation will lead u into positive attitude. We have already spoken of the power of positive attitude. Positive attitude attracts positive circumstance from life, and can make our existence far more trouble free and joyful. Yet if we encounter a real problem, how can a mere positive attitude help us? My first observation is that a person with a truly positive attitude sees serious problems not as negative circumstances, but as opportunities and positive ways to learn and grow. A person with such an attitude understands that beneath the difficulties there is something expressing in life and in our own deepest nature, (i.e. our soul) that yearns to be set in the right or a better direction. Because of our limited capacities, wrong past deed, etc. the circumstance and situations we come upon in life can only express as a negatively. Yet at a deeper level we perceive that this negative expression is the most direct way to bring about our further personal growth. Perceiving negative circumstance as positive potential gives us the necessary base of peace and equality to move in the right direction to solve the problems we encounter. With such an attitude one is already well on the way to solving even the most serious problems of life.

Believe in urself n aim high....a simple mantra to atain the highest peaks of life...

Be good to people n help them wid wht u can....tht way we can perform the right "karma" in life...

Again dont kick the man when he is down...


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